Spiritual Direction
Spiritual guidance is an ancient tradition practiced by all faiths. For Christians, it’s experienced when someone helps us listen and look for God’s presence in our everyday lives. A spiritual guide or director affirms our inner journey and supports our search for meaning and truth.
Spiritual Guidance Process
Typically an individual meets with his/her spiritual guide once a month for an hour. A sense of prayer and deep listening is encouraged through thoughtful questions and sharing. Together with your spiritual guide, you explore where God’s Spirit is active in your life, relationships, daily experiences or significant life transitions. Each session is honored and held in confidence.
S. Ingrid Clemmensen, OP is a certified, experienced spiritual director.
She is available to listen, answer your questions or support your spiritual journey.
We warmly welcome a donation to the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose.
For more information contact:
Email: Ingrid@msjdominicans.org
Voice Mail: (510) 933-6360
Cell: (925) 878-5803