CES Event

What's Next in Your Life? A Spiritual Guide to Retirement and Purposeful Aging - A Retreat Day for our Senior Lay Friends

Sale price Price $60.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

As you consider your retirement years and grasp the reality of growing older, this workshop will explore the benefits and joys as well as the challenges and concerns ahead. How do we live this stage of our life well and see aging as a blessing? The combination of reduced work responsibilities and growing older provides an opportunity to live life differently and more contemplatively, moving from “doing” to “being.” Discover how we can share our Spirit-given gifts, talents, and experiences in new ways that bring joy to ourselves and others and give continued meaning and purpose to our lives.

“It is not how old you are, but how you are old.”  Jules Renard

Jim Briggs is retired Executive Director of the School of Applied Theology and Executive Assistant to the President and Vice President of Student Services at Santa Clara University. Prior to his five years at SAT and his 22 years at SCU, Jim served as Director of Career Planning and Placement at the University of California Berkeley and Georgetown University. He has a background in theology, career development, and higher education. Jim is married and has four daughters, four sons-in-law, and 12 grandchildren.

Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Time:  9:30 am-4 pm
Where: Dominican Center

Cost: $60 includes box lunch

RSVP by March 26